BYU Dietetic Internship 2009-2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010


The interns had the opportunity to attend the Utah Dietetic Association's Annual Conference this year. It was a great opportunity to meet new RDs, other dietetic students, and enjoy some great classes/snack breaks. The conference was in Ogden and so this required a very early departure for us... sacrifices bring forth the blessings right?! 3 of the 6 interns did win the random drawings (yes, ladies, on Friday I won some random restaurant tracking information... priceless, I know.) Brianna scored a beef basket that did include some steak knives among other treasures. Rebecca won something fabulous. It was also nice to see the Sisters Mitchell and Duncan and catch up with them.

Thursday was the BIG AWARDS ceremony where our very own, Anne Clawson Woodbury recieved UDA's Intern of the Year award. She is incredble and very deserving. Dr. Clawson came to the luncheon and experienced an extra special glimpse into the dietetic world. We are still designin/creating Anne's sash to wear to the rest of our Friday classes.

Friday was a fun day at UDA - I felt like there was an emphasis on public policy which was exciting. Friday was the exhibition day (it looked really small compared to the expo at FNCE).

Overall, we are all professionally enriched and can't wait for another year!

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