BYU Dietetic Internship 2009-2010

Friday, May 28, 2010


We knew we couldn't retire from interning without one final puppet show, this is dedicated to Dietetics Faculty, we love/appreciate/adore/respect you:

Plus, some of the interns submitted their top 10 (or 11) experiences during the internship:

1. Playing secret Santa at the Christmas party.
2. Assessing 15+ patients on each of my "staff relief" days.
3. Going to Apollo Burger after sitting in a cubicle without a lunch break for eight hours at the State Health Department when we didn't bring lunch because we couldn't bring ourselves to eat at "Grubbins".
4. Letting “someone” talk in my DM class... for a LONNNNNNG time.
5. Looking over the list of things we had to accomplish at UVRMC for the first time, and thinking "WOW, can I do all that?"
6. Spending time with the dietitian who my mother thinks highly of and therefore, was basically the reason I went into this field.
7. Teaching at the elderly site and having people tell me that eating certain foods, tomatoes, bread, etc causes arthritis, and the way to cure it is through shark cartilage supplements.
8. Having someone at WIC ask if Cheetos counted as an orange vegetable.
9. Performing lice checks on the kids at Headstart, and then giving the children stickers.
10. Thinking the junior girls were going to be bored on our "Day on Broadway" theme day.
11. Finding out we were going to do our taste test day without Sister Duncan.

1. Learning how to do DXA scans and begging people to let me practice on them
2. FNCE’s infamous/amazing/priceless/electrifying moment of capturing the “Past, Present, Future SDA/ADA” picture
3. FNCE: Eating with the Sisters at Cheesecake, “Sin Sunday” night, “Whip-It”, FNCE point system, sitting in the hotel hall with the girls, winning $100, walking around in the rain after FNCE, Miss FNCE pageant, watching Jessie Pavinlac dance to Black Eyed Peas.
4. My rotation with Heather Filipowicz – LOVED it.
5. PCMC’s pesto/mozzi/turkey sandwich every Tuesday
6. Sister Mitchell chewing me out for fork-mashing the communal desserts
7. Puppet shows. Learn, Do, Extrapolate. Mid-course evaluations.
8. Going through multiple packs of gum and having a mile-high stack of text books towering around me before my case studies
9. Opening up my case study Powerpoint in front of everyone and have everyone (including faculty) notice that my jump drive is named “E Kitty”
10. Mispronouncing words on purpose with Rebecca b/c we think we are so funny (and mature) “La-BOR-atory” and baked “zit-E”

1. Listening to our 90th S song at least twice a day every day for four weeks
2. Running through the streets of Denver to make it back to the bus because all the interns were the last ones to get there.
3. Breaking all known records for sales of PenCourt Cold Plates on Theme Day!
4. Theme Day: A Day on Broadway. It was just an awesome day!
5. Having my first clinical note pass inspection of the RD at Primary’s without modification!
6. $4.00 lunches at Primary Childrens—I still miss those!
7. Nutrition Room Audits with Holly the Sanitation Hostetter. (“Who’s your charge nurse?!?”)
8. My case study on HLHS—it was a good one!
9. Friday class and field trips with all the interns—Always a good time!
10. Going through 130 eggs to perfect the Wickedly Wonderful Cream Puff!
11. Finding out that PenCourt makes no money in the Fall semester because they are feeding all of us interns!


1. Best. goal, ever. reached. Rebecca and Emily were present to win.
2. Falling off my chair three times in one day in Janelle's and my cubicle at the state health department
3. Trying to record the Dr. Fullmer-sound-alike-if-she-were-crude on my cell phone while giggling and pretending to walk by her cubicle naturally
4. "Having" to taste test the molten lava cakes... and then having to try them with the raspberry danish dessert... yummm
5. Selling the most desserts in (recent) pen court history!
6. Being a practice diabetic and whipping out my insulin pump when I needed to... especially in public...he he
7. While teaching a patient with heart disease some hearth healthy diet education, having him tell me that fruit smoothies were one of the fattiest things you could ever eat - even when it's made with just ice, fruit and yogurt. I didn't even know where to begin correcting that one :)
8. Having Dr. Nyland hand me the empty glass holder over the serving line in Pen Court for the twenty second time. Oh wait. I dreaded that...
9. Walking in a patient's room to give him and his wife a diabetic education, and walking out 30 minutes later full of advice about how to have a successful marriage
10. Receiving a $5 certificate + $2.25 dietary discount for lunch every day of our 2 weeks at LDS hospital... making it possible for me to get both lunch AND Nutty Guy's chocolate covered raisins!

Well... off we go to the real world. Hope we are ready because its TOO late now - the real world has BEGUN!

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