BYU Dietetic Internship 2009-2010

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I can't be over unless its blogged about.

We have finished our first semester!

The progression of the pictures indicate what is required to complete a case study:

1) Professional attire

2) Lots of colleague support and opinions

ex.Emily: What the heck does _________ mean/do/matter for?
Anne: bla bla bla (perfect explanation... better than google/NCM/Krause combined).

3) A big fat mess in the intern room and pressure ulcers from sitting in the same chair for HOURS and HOURS figuring everything out.

4) A GINORMOUS stack of books to reference.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Frolic and Play the Eskimo Way

We had our Internship Christmas Party this weekend! Janelle and Adam were kind enough to host it at their house and we all met up for some appetizers, molten lava chocolate cake, white elephant, and sweet conversation. The poor men that attended had to hear all about internship things and they did a great job humoring the women in their lives.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Other Interns

Since Emily is so good about blogging what they are up to, I figured someone needs to represent the other group of interns...and I guess that is me. Anne, Brianna, and I (Janelle) are just finishing up our Pen Court rotation. We had big shoes to fill after Emily, Rebecca, and Annie but I can definitely say that we have enjoyed pen court more than we ever thought. The highlight of course was our theme day: A Day on Broadway. We got our inspiration after we all saw Wicked in Denver and loved it!

Our menu for theme day included: teriyaki glazed salmon with wild rice, NY pizza with a Caesar salad and tuxedo dipped strawberry, white bean chili, cream puffs with a raspberry sauce, German chocolate cookies, and churros y chocolate. We loooooved our food but it was definitely a challenge getting to that point. We made cream puffs 4 times and went through over 100 eggs before we finally somewhat perfected the recipe.

When theme day finally came we were so excited but definitely not prepared for the craziness that was about to occur. People were lined up outside of Pen Court 1 hour before we opened! Once we started serving, girls were just running all over the kitchen to keep up with the crowd. Our "made-to-order" pizza was so much more popular than we thought it would be. We forcasted for 50 and actually sold 82! There is no way we could have ever survived without the other three interns there to help us. But at the end of the day we were so happy with how things turned out and treated ourselves to a soda with Sister Mitchell.

Pen Court is now closed for the semester and the three of us are just working on getting things ready for next semester. We definitely miss seeing the pen court students every day and really miss the lunches.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


We went to become ServSafe certified. It was convenient that we had Laura (BYU dietetics ALUM) teach us... she managed to entertain us the entire time (which is difficult considering the topics were HACCP and temperature logs.) I considered it a business trip because I got to take the company car and they fed me several meals. It was fun... hopefully we passed the test.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fridays ROCK

On Fridays, Annie, Rebecca and I teach the Nutrition Assessment lab to the Seniors. Today we went over how to take vital signs and so most of these picts are from the blood pressure practice period. After that, Rebecca and I teach a weight loss series and today Janelle taught about bone health. Afterward, we had to have intern lunch to obtain our needed omega 3s for the week. We are so heart healthy.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Theme Day Picts

Back from the Dead - Thursdays are the BEST

At the end of Pendulum Court, the interns all voted on who grew the most and we feel like we all came to a pretty clear consensus:

We had to have a final puppet show today... it was unprecedented as per the fact we had ALL interns participating. If this whole RD thing doesn't work out for us, we may consider stage (or at least puppet stage).

Side Note: My camera has been broken the past few weeks and so there has been a dearth of pictures to represent what is happening in our exciting internship lives. Plus, taking pictures of Annie and Rebecca click buttons on the computer at the hospital is less interesting than it even sounds.

Today was a fabulous day... it was the FINAL day of Pendulum Court/Theme Day for Anne, Janelle, and Brianna. They did fabulously but I will let Janelle talk about it. I do feel as though I should mention that they sold almost a kajillion dollars worth of food today and broke some major records for the PC. 22 rolls. Can you believe that? Oh and on top of that, the total income was INCREDIBLE. The pizza was my favorite (especially the "grown up" version). They sold over 80 cold plates which is INSANE for us considering the most we ever sell is about 25 to 30. They did fabulously. The world was impressed; we were impressed.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Nut. Assessment Lab!

We have begun working in the Nutrition Assessment Lab. Today we taught about taking height and weights for infants, toddlers, kids, and adults. It was Halloween so we got to have a little fun trying to manipulate costumes. Just continued learning/doing/extrapolating. That's what we do.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Miss FNCE Pageant 2009

We had a 2009 Miss FNCE Pageant on the way home from Denver. I am sure that our bus driver LOVED every second of it! Natalie was our hostess and she ran the show. Each girl had to introduce herself and model a hairnet (a little more BYU appropriate than a swimming suit right?), answer a question from the audience, perform a talent, and finally they had to respond to the intern judge panel's questions about how they could make FNCE a better place or what they would do if they had one day with the ADA president. Some of the talents were HILARIOUS. We discovered some crazy and awesome things about BYU dietetics students!

This clearly was a successful pageant year.