BYU Dietetic Internship 2009-2010

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Back from the Dead - Thursdays are the BEST

At the end of Pendulum Court, the interns all voted on who grew the most and we feel like we all came to a pretty clear consensus:

We had to have a final puppet show today... it was unprecedented as per the fact we had ALL interns participating. If this whole RD thing doesn't work out for us, we may consider stage (or at least puppet stage).

Side Note: My camera has been broken the past few weeks and so there has been a dearth of pictures to represent what is happening in our exciting internship lives. Plus, taking pictures of Annie and Rebecca click buttons on the computer at the hospital is less interesting than it even sounds.

Today was a fabulous day... it was the FINAL day of Pendulum Court/Theme Day for Anne, Janelle, and Brianna. They did fabulously but I will let Janelle talk about it. I do feel as though I should mention that they sold almost a kajillion dollars worth of food today and broke some major records for the PC. 22 rolls. Can you believe that? Oh and on top of that, the total income was INCREDIBLE. The pizza was my favorite (especially the "grown up" version). They sold over 80 cold plates which is INSANE for us considering the most we ever sell is about 25 to 30. They did fabulously. The world was impressed; we were impressed.

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