BYU Dietetic Internship 2009-2010

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Things Continue...

Somethings should be celebrated... like grad school acceptance... Annie and Emily just signed up to be here for another couple of years! All are invited to our future hooding ceremonies. Dates TBA.

Somethings should be taught (through puppet shows).... Production meetings were getting a little monotonous and so it was decided that some special hairnetted visitors come and teach what the real purpose of Pendulum Court is.

Please note the hairnets we placed on the puppets. Keepin' it classy in Pen Court.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Random Picts... we are surviving


Emily - After a long day of production.

Rebecca calling us out on something for sure.

Annie got the gigs and a had a lunch date :)

The Taste Panel After Party

After a rough day, sometimes we need to relax with a little chocolate... on a rougher day, we need to relax with A LOT of chocolate (and some fudge, Rich's whipped topping, and raspberry sauce).

A little emotional eating never hurt right?

Taste Panel

Today was our theme day's taste panel. We had to test various recipes in order to determine what we will serve on our BIG DAY. My favorite thing to tell people as they were loading up on all of our good free food was, "Thanks for supporting science."
This is Dr. Parker, he is most assuredly considering how the CHO and PRO will all mesh with our bodies' metabolism. OK... probably not... but he was our all time favorite Biochem teacher.

Dr. Richards, Dr. Fullmer, Dr. Christensen

Special thanks to Natalie Nelson and Katie Wixom for coming to help us get everything ready!

Special thanks to Shannan and Millie for helping us serve! Keepin' it classy.

Some of the beans we sampled. Mmmm.

The pretty fruit samples... this is my favorite pict.

Annie, Rebecca, Emily, Sister Mitchell and the broccoli bites.

This is Annie saving a tree. Long story short, she is the hero. She made our beautiful survey and organized it randomly for the participants to keep it appropriate.

Who knew how long it took to prep little portion cups with labels? Annie and Rebecca now do.
Overall, we had a VERY successful taste panel. Get excited for theme day on Oct 14!!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Why we love our faculty:

No one can say we don't have a good time. Thank you Sisters Duncan and Mitchell for all of your patience with us :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Post-bac. work

I apologize up front that we only have pictures of this set of interns... the other girls need to front their business and post something!

This morning we had class at 7:30 and this is all of us sitting and waiting patiently as we consider the exhaustion that will soon prevail with another dry run at Pendulum Court to manage.

On Tuesday, we went with Sister Duncan to the SYSCO cheese grotto and produce storage show. We each ate SO much cheese that it was absolutely disgusting but still was enjoyable!
The strangest cheeses we ate were probably:
1) an espresso lavender cheese
2) a red wine intertwined cheese that looked like it had red veins through it - VERY TASTY
3) some pungent and overpowering stinky cheese that destroyed our taste buds for the rest of the day.
We also met a lot of sales people that we found entertaining. We are now experts on brocollini and value added mixes. Another highlight was when a salesman discovered that Sister Duncan was our teacher and said, "Talk Teach!" and it threw her so off gaurd that she giggled hysterically and almost choked on her mint.

Friday, September 11, 2009

More Happenings...

The Pen Court interns have been working hard to prepare everything for opening soon. Annie has been especially busy hiring all of our employees and managing all of her other responsibilities... we think that it has gotten to her a little bit... it all came to a head when she went to open the door (we have a special coded door) and she entered the code accurately but somehow she did not turn the handle properly and we just heard a VERY LOUD THUD of her head hitting the door... she managed to open the door finally and literally CRAWLED back into the room. TGIF
Brianna is using her teaching methods background to prep for the lab she is teaching to the seniors next week... Emily can officially say she has donated her body to science now.

Other than that:

The internship rolls on... the interns doing their clinical rotation are in full swing at the hospital and each one has had interesting patient interactions thus far. The Pen Court interns are almost done orienting the undergrads to the Pen Court ways (you know: learning, doing, and extrapolating). Pen Court opens a week from Monday. We also get to represent the Pendulum Court at a Sysco cheese and fruit food show... I hope we can handle the enormous amount of free samples we will have to consume. The things we do to become educated. Wow.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Mentorship :)

Sister Duncan and Rebecca working their magic on forecasting.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

In the beginning...

Annie and Emily - prepping for a Pen Court Orientation skit... classy.

The crew: Janelle, Brianna, Anne, Annie, Emily, Rebecca

Where all of the creative juices flow and colloboration occurs: "The Intern Room"

It has been one week since we had our BYU Dietetic Internship Orientation and we are already in the full swing of the internship. It won't be long until we hit the big May 28th end-of-BYU DI-luncheon.
Brianna, Ann, and Janelle are beginning with their first clinical rotation at UVRMC and have been hitting the books hard as they prepare to be master clinicians. Each day they meet with Dr. Fullmer and hold dialogues about specific diseases and the related nutritional therapy. RIGOROUS. They are finishing up orientation at the hospital and get to begin working with the RDs soon!
Annie, Rebecca, and Emily are working in Pendulum Court for the first 8 weeks in the management rotation. They have been getting their bearings and preparing for their specific management roles. Rebecca is figuring out the inventory and forecasting for the opening week, Annie is hiring our utility employees (a lot of emails and interviews!), and Emily is busy making posters and planning cheers :)

We are all working on preparing lesson plans for some out-patient classes that we will be doing for BYU staff every Friday. This is a new addition to the internship and should be challenging and interesting. We are responsible for a 6 week weight loss course and some random additional classes - heart disease, diabetes, vegetarian, lacation/pregnancy, celiac, and family meals (I am probably missing some).
It is good to be back at BYU and with our faculty again!