BYU Dietetic Internship 2009-2010

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Taste Panel

Today was our theme day's taste panel. We had to test various recipes in order to determine what we will serve on our BIG DAY. My favorite thing to tell people as they were loading up on all of our good free food was, "Thanks for supporting science."
This is Dr. Parker, he is most assuredly considering how the CHO and PRO will all mesh with our bodies' metabolism. OK... probably not... but he was our all time favorite Biochem teacher.

Dr. Richards, Dr. Fullmer, Dr. Christensen

Special thanks to Natalie Nelson and Katie Wixom for coming to help us get everything ready!

Special thanks to Shannan and Millie for helping us serve! Keepin' it classy.

Some of the beans we sampled. Mmmm.

The pretty fruit samples... this is my favorite pict.

Annie, Rebecca, Emily, Sister Mitchell and the broccoli bites.

This is Annie saving a tree. Long story short, she is the hero. She made our beautiful survey and organized it randomly for the participants to keep it appropriate.

Who knew how long it took to prep little portion cups with labels? Annie and Rebecca now do.
Overall, we had a VERY successful taste panel. Get excited for theme day on Oct 14!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Good work! It was a success!! I think your panelists took it very seriously, even if some of them were bums off the street.
